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Very nice and fun game! 10/10

Here's my final garden :) 



Neat little game! I saw the thumbnail for this game for a while back and my friend sent me the video you made about it and I gotta say, for doing this in five days that's a lot. I can't believe you made this in five days, my first video game I made ever (also made in godot) took me 2 months just to make a character, animation, and parkour. But you somehow did this in 5 days! Maybe it's because you have experience with C# so you know the basics of code? But you made a very good game for your first game in Godot, it's amazing and satisfying.

Btw: Everyone who's reading this, here's my strat...

1. Buy the Snake plant a couple times and keep selling it till you get around $50.

2. Buy as many Cactus' as you can (without running out of money, save around $20) and then sell them all and rinse and repeat.

3. Now that you're rich, buy as much plants as you can until you get THE FROG POT it's the best one.

4. Now just play the game however you want, buy any plant you want...and sell a few now and then, just to keep yourself rich.

That is my stratigy ;)...  


Stiiiiiill loading


My game wont load for some reason so i cant play :( ive even tried restarting my pc and using chrome as well. Does anyone have any tips???


Still loading..


Do i have to support it???

Deleted post
(3 edits)

idk whats a hardware like what counts as one (also havent been on here for a bit srry i took so long)

Hardware means what kind of a computer are you using?

windows 11 i think :


What a chilling game.

6 points


I'm making games in Godot now so I can look at your game to remind myself I can do that!

A delightful experience.

Nice  game!  Saw your YouTube video about it and figured I'd try it out.  Earning more money and plants is very satisfying!

Just a heads up, game doesn't work in FireFox but got it running on Chrome.


That is strange, i use Firefox but got it running!

Same. Maybe a problem on your end?

firefox party in the house! except for billc83....

dont forget about me!


Adorable game :) Very peaceful!

have you considered giving the sprites for this lovely game away? I would love to use them in a similar game inspired by this game. thanks for making this!


we need a way to save the game cuz ur progress gets deleted when u close the tab and go back onto it


its been a while sice i played a chill game and this game was perfect to play.


I love the art

You like my coleccion? :)

Amazing! I like the way you organized them lol. I myself like variety, but this is cool as well.

I got 2 plants and my laptop got angry at me for some reason

its really fun 

(1 edit)

Hello! I was looking for something relaxing to play, and I ended up making a Let's Play of your game!

I liked the choice of music; it made me feel kind of sentimental. Also, knowing that this game was made in Godot made me feel encouraged to pick up my game dev hobby again, since Godot is my favorite engine! Thanks for making this game!

this is my FIRST EVER project in game dev let alone godot:


oh yeah i think thats a record! i found a glitch where if you press "enter" after buying a plant you can ifinintly plat/water plants!

i cant play the game or most other games on idk what to do i have tried refreshing the page and shutting down my pc


134 Calla Lilies


May have gone a little overboard lmao

Is it possible to see the source code of this game? I would like to learn Godot so I would be really grateful for it :)

(+1) – godot getting started

(1 edit)

I have free source code up on my itch page along with a YouTube tutorial that walks you through how it all works. It’s aimed at Godot beginners. Thought you might be interested. I was just looking at this adorable game (didn’t realize it was a Godot project) and saw your comment. Good luck with your game dev journey, however you choose to learn it!


what do you think about my garden it took me some time to make it look esthetic  give a rating out of 10

6/10 a little too saturated for my liking ngl but cool!

thanks a lot this game took me 1 week to make so sorry if it has problems

man i wish i could download this to play outside the browser

me too


so I am remaking this in for a video! and I wanted your permission to remake it


Go ahead! Reply with a link when you're done :)

awesome thank you! made my day alot better

thats it so far I just started working :)


(1 edit)

been working hard on it! made like pot switch,skelly,clippers,water can. thats it because I just started 2 days ago and have to deal with exams so it should take a week or 2 image.png

how is going so far

really good


 how bout now


how you rate my setup

really good! it only needs one simple thing! Orginize!

Awesome, Loved it! 

Great! My 6yo daughter will love it! Now it's time to implement a save system ;)

five minutes and I already have 999 coins

Awesome Game!  If this had more meta progression, a bunch more plants, and ways to upgrade your growing abilities, tools, cosmetics; I would play this for hours.  I would definitely pay $10 or so to buy a game like that for my fiancee.  She's really into plants and sim games like this.  She spent a whole week playing a pizza making game with similar art. 


The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers) what does that mean

(1 edit)

It is a great fun simple game. Took the stress out from a hectic day.

I really love the shear sounds and how happy skelly gets :)

Is SO satisfying to trim the plants with all the sound effects.

Cool game

(2 edits)

no money, no plants

amazing and cute game, would love if it was longer and had more plant options. Nonetheless 100% recommend it <3 


i like this game

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